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yanagi-chan@blogspot.com ♥
Thursday, May 7, 2009

The sour puss
I can't believe I'm actually jealous. Yeah, it took me some time to realise that too, so long have I NOT been feeling that.. feeling. Lol. When I see them together. Talking. Laughing. Smiling. If I was an animal, my lips would be in a snarl.

Then my friends' big day came. I took such pains to get a nice dress and what happens? Maid of honour, my foot. Which maiden would have to get the kitchen roll and stand looking at the puddle like an idiot? And I even contemplated how I could get the job done while looking like the so-called maid in the pretty white, short, revealing dress, mopping up the water cum wax on the floor with the paper towels, and avoiding people's feet. Thank God for the hero, my other friend's boyfriend. And I totally detest the way my wallet suffered because of that big day too, but that's another story. Oops,I got sidetracked.

She has a boyfriend! We all know it. I saw him at Pizza Hut while I was there with my sister the other day. *rolls eyes for goodness knows what reason*

It was especially awful because he was there that day. With her again. (!@$#%^) Why the heck did they have to take taxi together?!? Oh gosh. And stick together the whole ceremony? And throughout dinner? And take pictures and laugh along with the whole gang without me? And practically throughout the night?! And why the hell did they have to walk along the path that was romantically-lighted with the help of candles and light from the ceremony not far away.. in full view of me. So I thought.


Thank goodness she's leaving by the end of the week. I realise something awful about myself. I can't wait for her to go away and get out of my life. I could do with a perk in my life right now.
posted @11:55 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I can't believe I've forgotten his birthday! Not the month, not yet, but I can't remember the day anymore. Wow. The day has finally come. I understand what "Time will heal all" means now.

I was wondering when all the silliness began, and went to dig out old stuff. According to certain resources, it began in December. Huh.. it's already April?! Omg. That's fast. Time flies like nobody's business sometimes. Or maybe all the time. And the silliness is still here ah. Gosh. When will it end? I have labelled myself with a capital D.

Money! I need money. To save so I can spend it on holidays to Japan or somewhere in the animes. oh my gosh.. sianz.

I was supposed to lie low today and on the 7th too, so says Teenage magazine. The minute I got to work, my colleague commented that my dressing and the blank look on my face didn't match up.. There goes 'lying low'. And I can hear the greeting and my name in my head a dozen times. Up til now, which is 6h later. D me. Haiz.
posted @10:01 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What goes up must come down.
Been a bit down these days. Have I been lying to myself? What if I speak the truth? What will happen? What if I keep my mouth shut? Then I'll never know what might happen.

Emotion will not be understood til spoken. - Freidrich Nietzsche

Well said, Nietzsche. Hope it doesn't kill me like it did you.
posted @12:34 AM | 0 comments

Friday, March 27, 2009

Carnival and sweat
I realised I didn't blog abt the carnival. Here goes..

I guess it was pretty fun. My mind was off the paper, in any case. I was in the first car to reach and we actually had time to sit down and eat McDonald breakfast. Fantastic! I loved that.

The mass workout was really stupid and the fella doing it on the stage was like, ahem, 自 high. I did follow a little cos I know it's important to warm up mah. But, wth lor, some of the steps like the long ago Singapore-Mass-Workout type. What with the stupid exaggerated scissors action which I totally refused to do, despite my more-enthu colleagues and my boss behind me.

We didn't really stick together in one group. Here and there broke off into 3 groups or so to wander around the place. I was in the largest group cos of my senior colleague and my other friends. So kena join the enthu group. They were so enthu, they signed me up for the Boxercise.. I actually wanted to try out Pilates leh. Haiz. The instructor was this super fit lady who was probably in her 30s. Her workout was nothing short of insane. For the sake of those ppl, I joined in 'enthusiastically' of course. 25 minutes of non-stop action and I sweated like never before. Now I can say I 'sweated like a pig'. I never knew I could produce that much water. The 8 counts continuous knee-raising and kicking was the one that did it. And I know I'm not that flexible, but that particular exercise was seriously the limit.. made me feel like a couch potato.

What a pity. I really wanted to watch him do it, but they were somewhere else enjoying themselves and eating breakfast.. mutter mutter..

Went home in my colleague's car. Lucky me to have colleagues who drive, and don't mind bringing other people home too. =) I should also mention that I had no more energy for my paper that afternoon, but no choice. Chiong.
posted @12:18 AM | 0 comments

Friday, March 13, 2009

Had so much to do for the paper. So many changes. Too many, in my opinion.. I stupidly left the laptop in the office. Then had to do the changes by tonight, so use the louya desktop at home to type and do pictures... sian. Now dunno what insane time already lor.

Check 3 stacks too lor. Double sian.

Sniffing like nobody's business too lor. Triple sian.

Muar trip on Sat have to reach at 6am lor. Quadruple sianness.

Time to catch some zzz.
posted @1:18 AM | 0 comments

Monday, March 2, 2009

i am definitely stressed
I notice pimples appearing.
I don't smile as much.
I'm not as lively.
I look at the clock all the time.

Argh. I just have to blog right now.. to relieve a little stress. I also watched Episode 8 earlier during dinner. It was so shiok.. until I saw it was almost 9. The way I procrastinate is seriously terrible. Haiz.

Anyway, the last time I said I was 30% done? What nonsense. It was probably 20%. Omg right.. Now I'm 50% done, I think. I hope. I pray!!! And it's due tmw. Argh. Time to continue working on it.
posted @11:59 PM | 0 comments

Friday, February 27, 2009

The ant
It's due on Monday. I'm only about.. 30% done. Managed to think up another 10+ questions today as I leafed through my research notes. I think I work better under pressure that's given by myself. How ridiculous. I couldn't focus on it at all the beginning of the week and was watching episode 6 and episodes 15-16. Unimaginable. Now I'm left like, 30h before the deadline? -___-

Tmw got a carnival to attend. It's just some event where people go there to waste time having 'fun' exercising with other people, most of whom are strangers. I know there are some interesting activities I'd like to try out, but with just acquaintances? Come on.. I know of more friends I'd rather try out with. Plus, he's going too! I actually feel a little nervous. Goodness gracious. What is Willow coming to..

I can think of many things I'd rather spend my Sat doing. I'd rather swim. On my own. It's better than exercising with a bunch of not-so-fun people. On a more hardworking note, I'd rather spend the time ON MY PAPER. *rolls eyes in exasperation* Gosh. The minute this thing finishes, I'm gonna fly back home. Khatib MRT rite? Better check out how to get home from there in case I can't get a lift back to the workplace.

Gosh I shouldn't take mrt back. Too far. I should be like the ant who crossed from one end of the tablecloth to the either, by getting the human to put both ends next to each other. Teleportation is the best! Bending space is even better. I can't do both, but I can do the next best thing- take the bus(s).
posted @11:54 PM | 0 comments